Edmonton Area Ostomy News

Friends of Ostomates Worldwide Canada

                           September 2024

Please contact the Edmonton and area
FOWC Committee: Daryl and Adeline Eggen at
780-418-2028 to arrange handling of your donated supplies. Supplies are gratefully accepted currently.
Shipments of these supplies are being made on a regular basis to needy countries.

This year 2024 we are on track to send at least 23 pallets  with nearly $800,000.00 worth of supplies overseas, a 20% increase of 2023. 


FOWC (Friends of Ostomates Worldwide Canada) is a registered charity & non-profit organization of volunteers whose aim is to improve the quality of life for people with ostomies in countries with poor economic conditions and a lack of proper health care for the general population.

More information about FOWC can be found by clicking on their website: www.fowc.ca